Alt tab for mac
Alt tab for mac

Minimized windows are shown smaller, at the bottom of the screen. Open windows are displayed as large thumbnails. To access a specific app window, press the up or down arrow key when the app is selected in the switcher.


How to Access Windows from the App Switcher You can also use a trackpad or mouse for navigation and selection: a two-finger drag quickly moves the selection box, and clicking an app icon selects it. To move the selection more rapidly, hold down Tab or one of the arrow keys. You can alternatively use the left and right arrow keys to navigate. Hold Shift as well and tabbing moves the selection to the left. If you want to select a different app, each press of Tab when Command is held moves the selection box rightwards one slot. Release Command and you switch to that app. The second app in the list (the one used prior to what you’re currently using) is selected by default.

alt tab for mac

The app switcher stays open as long as Command remains held. Hold Command and tap Tab to display the app switcher, which lists open apps in order of recent usage. This article explores such shortcuts and features, along with third-party apps that improve upon Apple’s switcher in key ways.

alt tab for mac alt tab for mac

Yet, you might not know that the app switcher has little-known hidden secrets. This lists currently running apps, and enables you to quickly switch between them. If you’ve used a Mac for any length of time, you’ll likely know holding Command and tapping Tab activates an application switcher. How To + Software & Apps Unlock the Full Power of the macOS App Switcher

Alt tab for mac